Proclaim, Celebrate, and Share.

Our Mission is to proclaim, celebrate, and share the good news of salvation in
Jesus Christ in accordance with the Orthodox Tradition

Peace be with you!

Join us for in-person worship or watch live services streamed on our YouTube channel.

Sundays: 8:30 am – Orthros;  9:30 am -Divine Liturgy

Our 2024 Stewardship Campaign is over but you can still commit to St. Mary’s. Learn about how to contribute through OWNERSHIP, ENGAGEMENT, and GENEROSITY.

Welcome to St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church

Discover the Ancient Christian Faith and the rich, timeless traditions of the Apostolic Church.

Learn About St. Mary’s

Founded in 1900, St. Mary’s is the largest Orthodox Church in Minnesota.

Engage With St. Mary’s

Browse our worship, educational, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities.


Become stewards of St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church.

Church Life

Saints, Feasts, and Readings

Tuesday of the 5th Week
Fast Free

Today’s Readings

Saints and Feasts Commemorated

Sunday Worship Service

8:30 a.m. – Orthros (Matins)

The word “Orthros” means ‘sunrise’ or ‘dawn’ in Greek. The Orthros, or Matins Service is the sunrise worship service and is held prior to the Sunday Divine Liturgy.

9:30 a.m. – Divine Liturgy

The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (c. 347-407), Archbishop of Constantinople, is the most prevalent of four ancient liturgies utilized by the early Church and is still celebrated today.

Parish Calendar

Sunday Sermons


Youth Programs Participation Form for ALL 2023-24 Youth Activities Including Church School

Use this All-Inclusive Online Form to register children nursery through grade 12. Submit ONCE – Works for ALL youth activites!

Membership & Information

A place for new and existing parishioner members to submit and update their information.