Small Group and Parish Gatherings

Coffee Hour

Offered after worship services on Sundays and weekdays for fellowship. Typically coffee and some light food (e.g. cookies and pastries) are provided. Anyone can sponsor a coffee hour in memory of a deceased relative or for an anniversary, birthday or any other occasion, or just to host and serve your fellow parishioners.

Koinonia (neighborhood fellowship groups)

A ministry of small groups (10-12 people) who share their faith life with each other, and come together to experience what it means to be brothers and sisters in Christ. Groups meet in homes based on geographic convenience. Read the Messenger for more details, or email or call the office at (612) 825-9595 to connect with a Koinonia group in your area!

Men’s Fellowship

Men’s Fellowship meets in the Fireside Room on the first and third Friday of each month at 7:00 am. This group is designed to bring men together in fellowship, study, and discussion. Please consult the calendar for any last minute changes to scheduling.

Parish Night

Parish Night is a parish-wide event for all ages that occurs monthly on a Wednesday from September through May, taking a hiatus during Great Lent.

Format: The evening begins at 6:15 pm with a brief prayer service in the Nave, followed by dinner in the Terrace Room and breakout sessions for the adults and kids (kindergarten through 12th grade). Parish Night ends by 8:00 pm. Everyone is welcome to attend! Read the Messenger for more details!


Philoptochos fulfills its mission to help the poor, the destitute, the hungry, the aged, the sick, the unemployed, the orphaned, the imprisoned, the widowed, those with disabilities and the victims of disasters through its National and Metropolis Boards and its 485 Chapters and 27,500 members nationwide. Philoptochos offers fellowship for women of the parish.

Senior Citizens’ Club

Our seniors have a vibrant group that convenes regularly for fellowship and speakers. Contact the office to learn more at (612) 825-9595.

Worship Services

Vespers: 5:00 pm

Orthros: 8:30 am
Liturgy: 9:30 am