Orthodoxy, Technology, & Parenting – Ask Me Anything w/ Fr. Tim Sas
Jump to another session:
Session 1: Towards an Orthodox Understanding of Technology
Session 2: Technology in Your Life and Home – Take Back Control
Session 3: Understanding Social Media – An Orthodox Perspective
Session 4: The Triumph of Orthodoxy in the Digital Age – Icons & Virtual Reality
Session 5: – Current – Orthodoxy, Technology, & Parenting – Ask Me Anything w/ Fr. Tim Sas
Note from the Author:
Hello! I’m Cooper Buss. A layman having (at the time of writing this) just completed my first year of a Master’s of Theology at the Antiochian House of Studies and a parishioner at St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church in Minneapolis.
Thinking about and studying technology from an Orthodox perspective is a passion of mine and the focus of my studies. I hope to create much more content of this type as time goes on. If you have any ideas, questions, or comments, please email me at cooper@duck.com ! I’d love to hear from you.
In the meantime – PLEASE share this content wherever you see fit and wherever you believe God could work some good through it.