‘Joy in Heaven’The Heart of the Third Gospel (1)[Luke 15:1-10] Many of us can offer testimony to the joy with which the Christian life can fill us — that extraordinary sense of grace, peace and comfort light years beyond anything that fleeting earthly delight can...
‘He was lost and has been found’The Prodigal Son[Luke 15:11-31] There is a strange, paradoxical quality to the parables of Jesus. The settings and characters are from normal everyday life. The stories have a comprehensible and comforting ‘Sunday School’...
‘Are you envious because I am generous?’The Good Employer[Matt. 20:1-16] We need to understand two important realities about the grace of God as depicted in the parables of Jesus. The first is just how extraordinary God’s forgiveness, His generosity and His outreach...
And he said to her, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’The Woman Who Washed The Feet of Jesus[Luke 7:36-50] Are you saved? Many of us have been confronted with this stark question in hand-outs from street-corner evangelists. As Orthodox Christians, what is our answer? We can...
Which of the two did the will of his father?The Two Sons[Matthew 21: 28-32] A Christian evangelist of some years back made a point of preaching the Gospel outside of churches to those who were indifferent or hostile to the faith. By the end of his career, he had...