The Parables of Jesus #28: The Unjust Manager

‘Make friends for yourselves by means of dishonest wealth’The Unjust Manager[Luke 16:1-9] There is a saying about a certain type of Christian that goes: ‘He is so spiritual that he is no earthly good.’ In response, Jesus offers us a parable that is strange, even...

Reflection on the Nativity Gospels, #1

‘The Sun of Righteousness’Reflections on the Nativity Gospels, #1 Each year, as the daylight hours shorten, and the dim sun casts long shadows over a still land covered in snow, Christians await the manifestation of the true and eternal light of the ‘Sun of...

Reflection on the Nativity Gospels, #2

The genealogy of Jesus the Messiah, the son of DavidReflections on the Nativity Gospels, #2Matthew 1:1-17    We begin with the begats: Abraham begot Isaac, and so on. When we read the Gospel of Matthew, we often stumble over these names, or skip them...