“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”
Matthew 6:21
“Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, let us use them….”
Romans 12:6
Gifts of Time, Talent & Treasure
Your regular financial support and gifts of talent and treasure to St. Mary’s allows us to continue our wonderful programs, activities, and ministries to our parish community, as well as many local, national and global communities.
Our $3,000+ per day budgeted expenses include building and grounds maintenance, priests and administrative salaries, children and parish programming, and outreach. Without your financial and volunteer support, we would be unable to maintain our beautiful parish building and grounds, or offer the resources and programs to minister to our parishioners and those in need in the communities that we serve.
Types of Financial Giving
Financial gifts can be for:
- Yearly Stewardship for the annual operation of St. Mary’s buildings, grounds and programming.
- One-time donations of special gifts (such as for memorials, candles, etc.)
- The St. Mary’s Foundation for the long-term security of our parish.
Your Yearly Stewardship and one-time special gifts may conveniently be given through either automatic payments (ACH) made directly from your checking account, our online option or Venmo at @st_marys_goc_mpls.
Online and Mobile Giving Options
Parishioners and non-members can make a donation or payments (such as for the bookstore) to the St. Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church online giving site using the button below. Non-members can utilize the “Quick Give” option, and choose from various categories including memorials, bookstore purchase, or venue rental.
If Venmo is easier for you, please click the button below to go directly to our account. Please include your name, envelope number (if you have it), purpose of the gift (pledge or general donation, candle donation, meal, etc.) in the “What’s it for?” section
Wish to Give of your Time and Talents?
We have many volunteer opportunities for events and programs.
Please look for these opportunities in The Messenger newsletter or weekly Church Bulletin. You may also email the office or call (612) 825-9595 for more information.

Icon written by the hand of Vladimir Krassovsky, used with permission
Time & Talents - People in the Spotlight
Jimmy Geogleris – Usher
November 2022
When did you first become an usher at St. Mary’s?
Three years ago.
What drew you to this ministry?
I was talking with Father George at the time and I was looking for a way to give back to the church even though we were going through COVID. He said we were in need of ushers, so I volunteered!
Do you have a favorite memory or experience while serving with this ministry team?
I enjoy when people walk into the church and I have the opportunity to welcome them every Sunday. Just being here for them!
If someone else was interested in joining the ushering ministry team, could they contact you to learn more?
Yes! They can reach out to me at
Presbytera Alexandra Houck – "The Children’s Word" Author
October 2022
When did you first start publishing the The Children’s Word bulletin?
I started The Children’s Word bulletin in February 2013. I have just finished my 500th issue!
What initially helped you come up with this idea?
At the time, my oldest daughter, Lydia, was just starting to learn to read, and I wanted to give her something to have at church while the grown-ups had their own bulletins. I feel that we should always make children feel welcome at church, and this was one small way I could try to do it.
Where do you get your inspiration for each weekly issue?
First, I read the Gospel and epistle for the upcoming Sunday. I try to think of some aspect that might especially speak to children. The challenge is condensing the reading into just a couple paragraphs for the children’s bulletin. Sometimes I read a little commentary from the Church fathers and somehow present it in a way that kids can understand. If I still can’t think of anything, then I ask my husband!
Do you have a favorite memory or bulletin issue that stands out over the years?
I do not have a specific one, but I especially enjoy writing about some of the more “obscure” saints, or the ones most people have never heard of. I think it is a special blessing to tell readers about a saint, who might become somebody to whom a reader might pray. It is like introducing somebody to a special friend.
Is The Children’s Word used at any other churches?
Yes! I never know exactly where it is printed, but I know of many in the United States and some in Canada. A Greek Orthodox church in Australia uses it each week, too! It is distributed each week online through the Orthodox Christian Network.
If someone else was interested in helping with this ministry, could they contact you to learn more?
I always love to hear suggestions and ideas.
Deanna Kolas – Chanting
September 2022
How long have you been serving St. Mary’s on the Chanting Team?
It’s been a little over a year now.
What was it that led you to first serve by chanting?
Chanting was something I’ve been interested in for a long time. I’ve been singing since I was in middle school. When I got to high school, I realized that chanting could be a way for me to give back to the church while doing something I really enjoy. At the time, I didn’t really have the resources or someone to guide me in learning, so I put a pause on it then. As I got older, my cousin Evie invited me one day to stand up with her during a Vespers service. She guided me through the service and made me feel more comfort- able. Now as a part of the Chanting Group, I’ve learned so much from Thespina, Dan, and Joanna as they have taken me under their wing.
How often do you chant?
Usually once or twice a week, typically for the Matins or Orthros before Liturgy. When I can, I also like to chant for Vespers on Saturday nights.
Do you have a favorite memory associated with this serving experience?
We had a young adult event at St. Mary’s on a night I was scheduled to chant. At first, I was nervous to be chanting in front of all these young adults that I know! But it was really fun, because when I got to the service, I invited some of the other young adults to chant with me. A few were from other parishes, and even though each church chants in a slightly different way, we were able to come and chant together which was a beautiful experience.
If someone else was interested in serving by chanting, what would you say to them to help try to convince them?
I would say if you’re interested in it, it’s a beautiful way to give back to the church. People really appreciate it and there is always a need. We appreciate having a lot of people to help because there are always services going on at the church. It can be hard at first and intimidating and scary, but everyone who chants alongside you and who listens to the chanting is really understanding, forgiving, and encouraging. It’s always going to be a learning experience. Chanting is a beautiful way to connect with your faith and give back to the church.
Who should someone contact if they want to learn more about chanting?
Thespina Macres,