Pastoral Ministries
Pastoral Care & Counseling
Clergy Counseling
Our clergy are available for family and personal counseling on any issue. This is done by appointment and is kept in confidence. Should the issue(s) be beyond their competency or schedule, they will make referrals to spiritual fathers, counselors or centers that are compatible with the Orthodox Christian faith.
Pre-Marital Counseling
- Pre-Marital Counseling is required of couples prior to marriage.
- The clergy and several members of our Orthodox parish have been certified as Prepare/Enrich marital counselors. Any of them can facilitate the following coursework.
Marital Counseling
The clergy and several members of our Orthodox parish have been certified as Prepare/Enrich pre-marital counselors. They are also available to counsel and work with married couples who may either experience difficulties or who simply wish to enhance their marriage. The Prepare/Enrich inventory is a very useful tool for married couples. Steps one and two of the premarital counseling
Home/Business Blessing
By custom, homes and businesses are blessed following the Great Feast of Theophany (January 6). Upon invitation, a priest will come at a mutually agreed time to lead a brief prayer service that includes the sprinkling and drinking of holy water. Since this is such a large parish, members may also pray and then sprinkle their home or business themselves with holy water from bottles provided at church. A two-page handout contains an appropriate order of prayer for those who wish to do this themselves. Items useful for the service: icon, candle, censer, cross, small bowl of water, bunch of basil or other leafy green.
Intercessory Prayer
The parish maintains an intercessory prayer list of the first names of the sick and suffering. It is published in every Sunday bulletin. Contact the church office to include someone’s name.
The clergy and visitation committee will visit shut-ins, the hospitalized, and others who need prayer and support. The clergy also offer the Sacraments of Confession, Unction, and Communion. Please contact the church office if you know of someone who needs a visit or who would welcome a telephone call.