Philoptochos Board Members 2024-25
President: Connie Kouzes
1st Vice President: Lisa Gallmeyer
2nd Vice President: Carol Smith
Corresponding Secretary: Cathy Forchas
Secretary: Shannon Baustian
Treasurer: Kathleen Wendland
Assistant Treasurer: Mary Ellis
Advisor: Annette Legeros
Board Members: Erline Holman, Maria Smith, Andrea Tiggas, Dena Tortorelis, Mary Kay Twito
2025 Membership Drive
Our 2025 Membership Drive continues until March 31st. Hopefully, you’ve received a form with a return envelope in the mail. You can drop your completed form with membership dues at our table after Liturgy in the Great Hall, or mail it back. You may also pay dues online at Be sure to select “Philoptochos Contribution” for the Fund, and make a note on your registration form that you’ve paid online.
Membership dues are self-determined, meaning you decide the amount you wish to give. Please bear in mind, the first $22 of your donation goes to the Metropolis of Chicago and National Philoptochos programs to cover your National membership, and the remaining donation stays in our local chapter for the many good deeds we do throughout the year.
All levels of giving and volunteering are welcome! Large and small gifts as well as significant and minimal involvement work together to make our Philoptochos chapter vibrant. All members of the parish are invited to participate in our activities – you don’t have to be a member!
According to our bylaws, Philoptochos membership is open to Greek Orthodox women aged 18+, and associate (non-voting and non-office holding) membership is eligible to non-Greek Orthodox women married to Greek Orthodox men, Greek Orthodox men, and non-Greek Orthodox men married to Greek Orthodox women.
Upcoming Events
Board Meeting, Tues, January 14, Fireside Room
All Philoptochos Board members are asked to attend.
Women’s Book Club, February Discussions
In February, the Women’s Book Club will be reading and discussing Journey to Simplicity, The Life and Wisdom of Archimandrite Roman Braga by Danielle B. Hinshaw, MD. Copies are available for purchase in the bookstore.
Please contact Katherine Boosalis at to have your email added to the distribution list.
Our Little Orthodox Library Needs You!
We are still looking for several volunteers to help with the management of our new Little Library outside the church. Sign up for a month, check it weekly, make sure it is stocked and that only Orthodox materials are there. Please stop by the Philoptochos table on Sundays to see how you can help. We would also love additional Orthodox books to help keep our stock full.
What is Philoptochos?
The Greek Orthodox Ladies Philoptochos Society, Inc. is the philanthropic arm of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Founded in 1931, Philoptochos now has more than 400 local chapters the mission to promote charitable, benevolent and philanthropic outreach, to preserve the sanctity of life and family, and to perpetuate and promote our Orthodox faith and traditions.
St. Mary’s established the official Philoptochos Chapter 2049 in 1945, but women of the church have been serving others since 1910 when seven women founded the first known service group Elpis, which means Hope in Greek. Today, nearly 200 women are members of our chapter. We hold fundraising events and receive monies from the parish to support many charitable groups, including:
- Seven food shelves and four non-profits that lift up women and children in the Twin Cities
- Orthodox organizations including Prison Ministry, 4 monasteries, 6 orphanages, Hellenic College Holy Cross Seminary, IOCC, OCMC, and Orthodox Christian Network
- Organizations supported by the Chicago Metropolis and National Philoptochos Boards
We also provide support to the parish by planning decorations and special needs during the Easter and Christmas seasons, running a Women’s Book Club, hosting receptions for special occasions and guests, organizing hands-on service projects, and responding to clergy requests.
All women are welcome to participate in Philoptochos activities and invited to join as a member. The annual membership drive runs from January through April each year.
To contact St. Mary’s Philoptochos, please email
Contact Us
Worship Services
The St. Mary’s Philoptochos Newsletter is published several times a year. Click here to read the most recent editions for stories and information on events.