Archdiocesan & Chicago Metropolis News
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Events at St. Mary’s… and beyond!
Check the monthly Messenger, weekly Church Bulletin, and Church calendar for all upcoming events.
When God provides snow…

Special Parish Assembly – Sunday, March 9, 2025
Please attend this Special Parish Assembly in the Great Hall following Liturgy. There are a number of items that need to be discussed and approved prior to the May 4th Spring Parish Assembly. Lenten snacks will be served.

Daylight Saving Time Begins This Sunday
March 9, 2025
- Set your clocks ahead 1 hour.
Spring Ahead without missing any time in worship!

MN Pan-Orthodox Lenten Vespers, Triumph of Orthodoxy.
5:00 PM, Sunday, March 9, 2025
St. Mary’s Orthodox Cathedral, 1701 5th St NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413
Following the service we will gather for a Lenten meal and Fellowship.

George N. Boulukos EOCS Scholarships for Orthodox Christian Scouts. Applications Due March 15, 2025
The Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS) offers two $1000 scholarships each year. We select applicants who strongly demonstrate love of God and their Orthodox Christian Faith, as shown by their involvement and achievements in church, scouting, school, and community, as well as in a short, written statement. See our Scholarship page and online application for full details. For any questions, contact Dr. M. Kotsonis, Scholarship Committee Chair,
- High School Seniors
- Applications are due March 15, 2025.
- Awards are contingent upon acceptance to an accredited 4-year college or university.

Timber Wolves vs. Indiana Pacers, Monday, March 17, 2025, 7:00 PM, Target Center
After the game, you’ll have the opportunity to step onto the court and try your hand at shooting free throws! The cost is $40 per person. First come, first served; only 40 tickets. Your spot will be reserved once you’ve paid, cash or check to St. Mary’s. Reservations due by March 1! For ticket or outing info, contact Scott at (612) 812-1216.

Greek Independence Day / Annunciation Program
Sunday, March 23, 2025, Following Liturgy
AHEPA is again sponsoring the Greek Independence Day / Annunciation Luncheon and Program. We are seeking youth Dancers, Singers, Musicians, and Readers for presentations and poems in English and Greek. Greek Dance Group (ages 6-18) practices are scheduled on Mondays, 6:00-8:00 PM beginning on January 27. Parents are needed to assist with constume assignments, dance instruction, printed program layout, setup, etc. Contact Tessie Bourdamis (contact info is available in Realm) for more information.

St John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival Presentations
Sunday, Mar 30, 2025, following Liturgy
The Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical and Fine Arts Festival is a longstanding tradition that provides a unique opportunity for our youth both to learn about their faith and to display their talents in the areas of Speech, Essay, Poetry, Iconography and Vocal Solo (new category as of 2019). Those who are successful at their individual parish festivals are invited to participate at the Chicago Metropolis Festival.
- Elementary Division (local festival only) for students in grades 4–6
- Junior Division for students in grades 7–9
- Senior Division for student in grades 10–12

Chicago Metropolis 2025 St. John Chrysostom
Oratorical and Fine Arts Festival
With the blessings of His Eminence Metropolitan Nathanael, we are pleased to announce that the 41st Annual Saint John Chrysostom Oratorical and Fine Arts Festival will be held on Bright Saturday, April 26, 2025 at Assumption Greek Orthodox Church, 601 South Central Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, 60644. We are excitedly anticipating a weekend of spiritual celebration and fellowship for all in attendance. The Metropolis Festival will offer 6 categories (Speech, Essay, Poetry, Iconography, Vocal Solo, and Vocal Chant), each with 2 divisions (Senior/10th-12th grades and Junior/7th-9th grades). After concluding your parish festivals, the participants who will be advancing to the Metropolis Festival must register by Monday, April 7, 2025. Find full Information & Registration HERE.

Western Region Family Basketball Tournament
Jan / Feb 2026
- St Mary’s Greek Orthodox Church, Minneapolis, MN
- Check back for 2026 information as it becomes available.
- And watch for a new logo! 😉

Religious Education Schedule at St Mary’s
Check the Religious Education Schedule for St Mary’s Adult & Youth Classes, Bible Studies, Orthodox Catechism, & Other Educational Programs..
2025 Pilgrimages to Serbia.
Spring: May 1-May 12
Fall: September 23- October 5
Please consider joining one of the Serbian pilgrimage events in 2025! Icon Art Studios recently hosted two pilgrimages to Serbia. These experiences were extremely successful in the warmth and expertise of our host and tour guide from Belgrade/UB. “To go on a pilgrimage is to travel at a much deeper and life-changing level. It is to travel by searching for God, as God is searching for us.” The itinerary consists of visits to beautiful ancient and historical monasteries every day including visits to wineries and hotel spas. The history of Serbia is told through its ancient monasteries and medieval art. Tour begins and ends in Belgrade. Many Serbian cities are included. Please call or email Deb Korluka at 612.889.5860 or for more information.