A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
The Prophecy of Fr. Roman Braga A Confessor in the Orthodox Church is someone who undergoes horrible sufferings inflicted in an effort to force him to recant his faith, but who endures in his confession to the end. Such a man was Fr. Roman Braga, abbot of the Holy...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
Dear St. Mary’s Family, Greetings in Christ! Please click here to see today’s Daily Vitamin video message. God bless you, Fr. Jason Houck
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
The Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete My soul, O my soul, rise up! Why are you sleeping? The end draws near and soon you shall be troubled. Watch, then, that Christ your God may spare you, for He is everywhere present and fills all things. At the heart of the Great...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
Dear St. Mary’s Family, I hope you are all well. Today for our Daily Vitamin, we have a special reading of a sermon of Fr. Anthony Coniaris’ dealing with death and suffering. It is used with permission from Light and Life Publishing from The Message of the Sunday...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
During difficult and trying times, as we are all experiencing now, it is natural to look for almost any sign of hope, inspiration, or strength. When my family and I came across the following story from the Lives of the Saints, our spirits were immediately lifted...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
Dear St. Mary’s Family, Greetings in Christ. Follow this link to see today’s Daily Vitamin video message. God bless you, Fr. Jason Houck
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
t is no secret that, after the Sacred Scriptures, my favorite book is The Ladder of Divine Ascent by St. John Climacus (Climacus means ‘of the Ladder’). And due to his holiness of life and the book he authored, the Church honors him with hymns and commemorates him on...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
The Gospel of Faith, Hope, and Loveby Fr. John Kostas …remembering before our God and Father your work of faith,and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.(I Thessalonians 1: 3) In our meditation last Saturday, we considered faith as one of...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
Dear St. Mary’s Family, Greetings in Christ! Click here to see the March 27 Daily Vitamin video message. God bless you all, Fr. Jason Houck
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
Now that it is the day after the celebration of the Annunciation, the Church calendar sets this day, the 26th of March, apart in honor of the Archangel Gabriel due to his role in bringing the good and joyful news to the Virgin about the incarnation in her womb of the...