Christ Hymns of Philippians
‘Obedient unto death…’ Philippians 2:5-11 [Part 6] The Old Testament book of Isaiah is oftentimes called the fifth Gospel, because of its vision of justice, its words of comfort, and its oracles foreshadowing the coming of Christ as found, for example, in the prophecy...
Christ Hymns of Philippians
‘Obedient to the point of death…’Philippians 2:5-11 [Part 7] The consummate expression of the Orthodox Christian faith is the Nicene Creed, recited at the Divine Liturgy. The Creed, formulated by the first two Ecumenical Councils, is the flowering of the witness of...
Christ Hymns of Philippians
‘Even Death on a Cross…’Philippians 2:5-11 [Part 8] ‘Name it and claim it.’ This catch phrase marks a movement within contemporary American Christianity. It holds that God’s will for believers is ‘health and wealth,’ physical well-being, and financial success. All...
Christ Hymns of Philippians
‘Therefore God highly exalted Him…’Philippians 2:5-11 [Part 9] What makes a good drama? None less than Aristotle himself considered this question. It takes compelling characters, a good plot, and vital concerns. Oftentimes, it is marked by a critical turning point....
Christ Hymns of Philippians
Jesus Christ is Lord…Philippians 2:5-11 [Part 10] What’s in a name? According to the Scriptures, everything. A name not only identifies an individual, but describes the person’s essential nature and fundamental attributes. That’s why the most significant...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
Behold, I am with you always…Matthew 28:16-20[This is the first of the Eleven Resurrection Gospel readings of Matins] Mountain top experiences loom large in Matthew’s Gospel. Satan’s last temptation of Jesus takes part on an ‘exceeding high mountain.’ (Matthew 4:8)....
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘For trembling and astonishment were upon them…’Mark 16: 1-8[This is the second of the Eleven Resurrection Gospel readings of Matins] Mark’s Resurrectional Gospel is the first mention of the Myrrh-bearing Women. We all know the story, or so we think. But, as so often...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘Then they remembered His words….’Luke 24:1-12[This is the fourth of the Eleven Resurrectional Gospels of Matins] ‘Just the facts, ma’am.’ So hard-bitten Sgt. Joe Friday would demand of witnesses on the 1950’s TV police procedural Dragnet. But can there be ‘just...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him…’Luke 24:13-35[This is the fifth of the Eleven Resurrectional Gospels of Matins] After He was raised from the dead, Paul tells us that Jesus …appeared to Cephas, then to the twelve. Then He appeared to more than...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘How are the dead raised…?’Luke 24: 26-53[This is the sixth of the Eleven Resurrectional Gospels of Matins] ‘But someone will ask, How are the dead raised? With what kind of body do they come?’ St. Paul raised this question with the Corinthians (I Corinthians 15:35),...