Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘While it was still dark…’John 20:1-10[This is the seventh of the Eleven Resurrectional Gospels of Matins] When Jesus had received the wine, He said, ‘It is finished.’ Then He bowed His head and gave up His spirit (John 19:30). For the Evangelist John, the Cross was...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘They knew it was the Lord…’John 21:1-14[This is the tenth of the 11 Resurrectional Gospel readings of Matins] Thunder from a mountaintop echoes in the hills and valleys below. So too does the seismic shock of Christ’s appearance by the Sea of Tiberius reverberate in...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
Follow me…John 21:15-25[This is the last of the 11 Resurrectional Gospel readings of Matins] ‘I am the good shepherd,’ Jesus proclaimed. ‘The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep’ (John 10:11). A disciple is not above the teacher. Thus Risen Lord instructs...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘Go into all the world and proclaim the good news…’Mark 16: 9-19[This is the third of the 11 Resurrectional Gospel readings of Matins] The oldest version of St. Mark’s Gospel ends with a cliff-hanger: the Myrhh-bearing women fleeing the tomb in fear. Did Mark mean to...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘I have seen the Lord…’John 20:11-18[This is the eighth of the 11 Resurrectional Gospel readings of Matins] The drama of the disciples’ struggle following Christ’s death continues with the solitary anguish of Mary Magdalene standing at the empty tomb and weeping. The...
Resurrection Gospels, Spiritual Reflections
‘Peace be with you…’John 20:19-31[This is the ninth of the 11 Resurrectional Gospel readings of Matins] ‘Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act, falls the shadow.’ These words of the poet T.S. Eliot can sum up the state of tentative belief of...
Parables of Jesus, Spiritual Reflections
Do you not understand this parable? What were the essential characteristics of the earthly ministry of Jesus? According to the Gospel of Matthew Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
Christ is risen! Click here to see the Daily Vitamin video for Memorial Day.Today we will learn about the flag folding ceremony and reflect on Memorial Day while enjoying scenes from Arlington National Cemetery. Have a blessed Memorial Day. Fr. Jason...
A Daily Vitamin, Spiritual Reflections
We have come to the midpoint of the days that commence with Pascha and the saving Resurrection and that conclude with the feast of holy Pentecost.Connecting these two greatest feasts, drawing splendor from both of them, this holiday is splendid.We solemnly celebrate...